Everyone is invited to this special retreat. You do not need to be an oblate to attend. If you are interested in Benedictine spirituality and a deeper prayer life, this retreat is for you.
Basic information and the registration form is set out below:
November 2 (6:00 pm Check in).
Retreat ends November 4 at 11:00 am (after Sunday Mass).
Please eat dinner before arriving on Friday evening.
Cost $215 per person ($430 per couple) $115 per person if not staying overnight. Cost includes meals on Saturday and Sunday breakfast.
October 29 Deadline for Registrations and Payment.
Download registration form
MS Word format - Fill in, print, mail
PDF Format - Fill in, print, mail
with your check to Retreat Center Office at the address on the registration form. The registration form has information about mailing your check, directions to abbey, parking, and check in.
After you register by mailing your check and registration form to the Retreat Center Office, it is also very helpful if you email Brother Giovanni in the Oblate Office at GiovanniOraEtLabora@gmail.com
the full names of the people you registered, whether you are staying overnight and how many rooms you requested.
Please read the FAQs. The Frequently Asked Questions gives answers and sage advice about how to be on retreat at Saint Leo Abbey. Everyone is encouraged to read the FAQs, bookmark them on your phone or print them and bring them to the retreat.
Other questions?
After you register, an email will be sent giving you more information about the weekend, tips and FAQs to help make your stay at the abbey enjoyable. If you have a question now, please email the Oblate Office at StLeoOblates@gmail.com
or call John at 813-228-8015.
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